Synergistic technologies for large slab production

Maximising plant performance and efficiency.

System Ceramics, part of the Coesia Group, believes that genuine innovation should not be limited to developing a single advanced technology but should instead consider the complete context in which it will operate. This approach leads to the development of efficient and powerful machines, each of which will integrate seamlessly with existing upstream and downstream technologies as part of a larger ecosystem. This meticulous attention to the context ensures that each innovation not only adds value individually but improves the efficiency and productivity of the plant as a whole. In keeping with this philosophy, System Ceramics designs complete solutions that optimise performance, efficiency and innovation at every stage of the production process. Synergy between the individual machines is a key element for achieving this overall goal.

Genesis, System Ceramics’ innovative three-dimensional full-body decoration system, represents a significant step forward for the ceramic industry. Its distinctive features include fully digital management and an exceptionally versatile and integrable concept, catering to the technical demands of modern slab production while guaranteeing unlimited aesthetic potential.

Products manufactured with Genesis are unique, largely due to their high-precision reproduction of graphic designs. This is achieved by depositing coloured spray-dried powders by means of a fully digital process that allows for flexible management of different designs.

Another detail that enhances the quality of products manufactured using Genesis is vein inclination. The spray-dried powder deposition process adopted by Genesis faithfully reproduces the inclination of veins on the edge of the slab, resulting in a finished product that closely resembles natural materials.

Genesis integrates seamlessly with the company’s flagship Superfast press, a truly innovative system that sets exceptional standards for quality and production efficiency, coupled with ultra-high connectivity. Most importantly, however, it is the world’s first mouldless press, guaranteeing superior results to traditional systems across all sizes and thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm while guaranteeing quick and simple set-up.

The system stands out for its flexibility and sustainability, with zero waste (100% of unfired material is recycled) and energy savings of up to 70% in keeping with the principles of circular production. This technology embodies a production philosophy focused on reducing energy consumption and wastage of raw materials.

With a single Superfast press, it is possible to achieve an output of up to 24,000 sqm per day, a quantity that typically requires at least two conventional presses.

Superfast is also closely interconnected with the drying stage, for which purpose System Ceramics is proposing the Fastdry horizontal multi-channel dryer ready to accommodate recovered heat flows.

The high standards achieved with this technology are due to the high degree of synchronisation with the decoration systems and consequently with the digitally applied graphic designs. This in turn is a result of perfect integration with both Creadigit Infinity, the groundbreaking digital decoration technology from System Ceramics equipped with the advanced Creavision e-view vision system, and with the new Eye-tron system which communicates with the printer in real time to allow for perfect synchronisation between the surface designs and the full-body effects.

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